Stage committee members


Pavel, President
Halo! I am a Czech trainee at Eurostat. I was lucky enough to live in different parts of the world and I never seem to get tired of meeting new people on the way. I am slightly obsessed with electronic music and I have fallen in love with squash and frisbee ultimate. I am very happy to live in the small town of Luxembourg - you can ride your bike everywhere! My current short-term goal? To get paid as much as the mythical Luxembourgish bus drivers.       

Famous for:
     finishing meals of others
     golden voice

Petronille, Vice-President
Hi y’all! I am a Belgian trainee at DG SANTE. I am super excited to be dedicating most of my free time to making your stay in Luxembourg even more fun. I have spent the last two years studying in Sheffield, Rennes, Krakow, Paris and Amsterdam which developed my skills in "how to make the most out of your time in a new place". It is needless to say that I love traveling and meeting new people. You will recognise me by the fluorescent jacket I wear cruising the streets of Luxembourg by bike. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you need help to organise your event or if you simply want have a chat or grab a beer. Cheers.

Famous for:
     moments of over-excitement
     American accent
     fancy dresses

Nicole, Treasurer
Hallo! Or „Griaß eich“, as we say in the tiny Bavarian village where I grew up and where we probably have more cows than inhabitants. Having learnt proper standard German there as a kind of first foreign language in primary school and having acquired some equally useful skills in grammar school, I felt I was finally ready to get to know the big wide world beyond the Bavarian border! The studies and jobs I've done since then not only led me to some really nice cities in Germany like Cologne, Freiburg and Hamburg, but also to such wonderful and fascinating foreign places as Toulouse, Aix-en-Provence, Madrid – and now Luxembourg! Well, actually Luxembourg doesn't feel so foreign to me, as Germany is quite near and I even manage to partly understand the funny Luxembourgish language (especially the swear words!). But what makes my stay here a really international and unforgettable experience is spending it with all of you people! Thanks for making me your Treasurer and thanks for the amazing moments we've already had and certainly will have during the next few months!

Famous for:
     cutest Halloween dress
     godlike accounting skills
     general wisdom

Natália, Vice-Treasurer
Hola! I am a current trainee at DG Eurostat, Unit F4. Quality of Life, that is a result of my study path focused on economics, European studies and research methods with strong, but not sole interest for research in areas of social policy and European welfare state. And I love it. In my free time, I cherish from my background at the international competitions such as Model European Union in Bratislava and Strasbourg, that I also currently organize with other MEU-geeks. I have chosen to represent stagiaires at this position as I enjoyed being a Student Representative at all levels of my tertiary studies. I always have plenty of extra-curricular activities, and this year is not any different. I will not bore you with the details, and conclude by a wish to actively spend as much of my free time as possible with these lovely stagiaires in the tiny but exhilarating city of Luxembourg. Santé!

Famous for:
     machine gun monologues
     princess hair

Unknown Web Developer

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